Оборудование для производства пенобетона

Пенобетон - изготовление и реализация
Пенобетон и оборудование для производства пенобетона
Пенобетон - современный строительный материал
Основана фирма была в 1997 году под руководством кандидата технических наук Ямова Юрия Леонидовича. Технология производства пенобетона - основная специализация фирмы ООО "Стройна, ЛТД".


Главная страница - English - Equipment

We representate complete sets of our equipment in this part of site


This Production Line   represents a total production cycle and consists from  main  and additional plants:

  1. bunker for aggregates;
  2. cement silo;
  3. helical conveyor for cement;
  4. mixer;
  5. portable foam generator;
  6. reservoir for foam concrete agent;
  7. control panel;
  8. bunker for pouring of foam concrete;
  9. casset form;
  10. pallet;
  11. rails;
  12. claw

Storage of  raw materials:

Storage of cement:

For the cement storage we use a steel silo equipped with a pneumatic shaking system against occlusions. According to the wish of the customer, we may equip the silo with a tensiometer, in order to control the loading and use (consumption rate) of cement.

Storage of aggregates:

Aggregates will be stored in steel bunkers of two different kind:

- on the floor;

- underground

For the underground bunker it is needed to install a ramp for the access of dumpers

Feeding mateterials:

The water feeding line is driven from the main supply, from the add reservoir.

Feeding of cement to the mixer happens with a helical  conveyor and the productivity of this system is averagely of 200 kg/min.

Feeding of aggregates to the mixer involves 2 stages:

1 - sifting (screening);

2 - feeding aggregates to mixer by belt conveyor. The productivity of conveyor is averagely of 1t /min

The mixer plant

The mixer plant is the main unit of our technological line for the ready mixed foam concrete. The preparing of the foam concrete mix involves two sequencial stages as following: 1) preparing of the mix sand-cement in the mortar mixer 2) injection of foam add in the mix and mechanical stirring

The design of mixer plant consists: mixer,  reservoir for solution of foam agent, air-paddle foam generator, compressor and control panel.

Weigh-batching to mix the different components is made measuring electric voltage

Overall dimensions:

  • - length, mm....................................................................4200
  • - width, mm....................................................................2400
  • - height, mm....................................................................1200

Mass of plant, kg.................................................................2500

Capasity of engine, kW.........................................................7,25

Productivity, m3/h.................................................................5

Mix casting. The fresh concrete is poured out to a bunker which volume is averagely extimated in 1 m³

Casting of blocks: The moulds for the production of blocks are installed between two railways and the foam concrete bunker moving upon them pours the mix into the moulds. The dimensions of the moulds and the size of the blocks to produce are decided according to the wish of the customers.

The size of the different blocks that can be produced is listed in the following scheme:

Dismantle of  moulds: At the end of the hardening process it's possible to dismantle the forms from the blocks. The speed of the process depends on the environment temperature, on the quality of the components of the mix and on the foam add. When the moulds and their internal partitions are already dismantled it is possible to move the blocks with a gripper, that can be used inside the factory together with a loading and lifting equipment.

We sell equipments for different lines of productivity. The customers chose the volume of products they want to manufacture. The maximum productivity during an eight-hour working day is about 40 m³. The area occupied by this technological line is around 350 m².The amount of people needed for the working process of the line is of 4 persons


This type of equipment can  be used as for production of foam concrete blocks and for the casting of concrete in outdoor structures.

Compactness of this equipment makes possible to use it in industrial building and and on building site.

The main units of plant are: mixer, reservoir for solution of foam agent, foam generator, compressor, hose for pouring of mix.

The loading of materials realized by hand.

The pouring of mix is realized by hose.

The plant is linked to three-phase  alternating current with frequency 50 Hertz, electric power  380 V 

We suppose to consider the technical description of plant:

Volume of mixer, m3(l)

0,4 - 0,7 (400 - 700)

Productivity of plant, m3/h, no less then


Distance of pouring, m  (by vertical line)


Distance of pouring, m  (by horizontal line)


Work pressure of compress air, mPa, no more


Expenditure of  compress air, m3/min, no more


Width,  mm


Length, mm


Height, mm


Capasity of engine, kW


Height of loading, mm, no more


Mass of plant, kg, no more


Cost of plant, grn

38500 - 41200 (it depends from capacity of mixer)

According to wish of Customer this plant can be equipped by additional pump for unloading of mix. Cost of pump with engine is 14 000 of griven

Контактная информация:
  • Украина, г Днепропетровск, ул. Океанская, 12
  • Рабочие дни: понедельник - пятница с 8-00 до 17-00 часов,
  • Телефон/факс:
    (056) 375-75-52
    (056) 375-75-53
  • Мобильный: (067) 633-72-49
  • E-mail:

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Компания Стройна. Пенобетон

Компания "Стройна" производит и реализует:

  • пенобетонные блоки для строительства наружных стен, внутренних перегородок
  • теплоизиоляционные блоки
  • пенобетон в наливном виде для утепления полов, плоских кровель, чердачных перекрытий

Создание и поддержка сайтов - www.artstudio.dp.ua